My quest for a simpler, more sustainable me from the Midwest to the Northwest.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Back in Washington

I don't feel like putting together cohesive paragraphs at the moment so I'm going to make a list of things that have happened or thoughts I have had in the last few weeks...

I moved to Olympia, WA

I have a new roommate and a new dogmate and catmate

I spent time on two different farms on two different evenings both lovely but both reminders about how little I know about growing things.  I want to know it all and learn more!!

I herded a goat into a milking barn. I was very timid as the goat had horns.

I learned how to make mango sticky rice.

I joined the food coop and I feel really good every time I shop there.

I went to the farmer's market and bought organic cherries.  It's cherry season and they are better than candy!

I happily started back at my old job.

I am still working on my thesis and it is an extremely frustrating process.

I have been having weird dreams and even some nightmares every night which leads me to believe that I am actually feeling a lot of stress subconsciously.  This stress rarely presents itself during my waking hours.  But it's not unexpected as I just had an enormous amount of life change.

I have been very "I" focused this whole blog and this whole past year.  As soon as the thesis is done, that focus will be shifted to others.

I am happy to be back in the NW but miss my friends and family terribly.

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