My quest for a simpler, more sustainable me from the Midwest to the Northwest.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Movement and Stagnation

Last month I wrote about peak oil and said that role modeling was the way I was currently educating people.  I no longer believe that it's enough.  Maybe I shouldn't be concerned with alienating people anymore.  Maybe it's time to start arguments with people to get them to think of something other than themselves.  Copenhagen failed.  We are past curly lightbulbs and hybrid cars.  Earth is our mother. She provides us with all the resources we need, but she can't live forever if we only take from her. It's not just about me living as simply as I can...the answer is mass-simplification and massive organization and to demand reductions from our "leaders." 

I say all this and I do not have much experience with organizing.  I'm part of a small organization that is new but will hopefully do a lot of great work.  I need resources that I don't have right now.  I need to talk to people but I'm not totally sure who to talk to!  I feel helpless, but not hopeless.  I need direction though.  So this is a HELP to anyone that's out there.  Yikes I'm probably sending this into cyberspace and not many will see it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Really interesting interview on today.  This is a really eye opening perspective on the effects of climate change on poor countries.