My quest for a simpler, more sustainable me from the Midwest to the Northwest.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'm a bad blogger =(

So admittedly I'm not so great at this.  I've always prided myself on being a good writer and this blog is already an argument against that.  Furthemore, posting once every three months is probably  not good blogiquet (that's blog ettiquette).  Additionally, I only have two followers.  I'm pretty sure that's poor.
Moving on from that moment of self-deprication...what have I been doing in the midwest the past few months?  The answer is three things:

1.  working on my thesis.  very boring.  no need to elaborate.
2.  Going to concerts as a way of coping with working on my thesis.  I've seen some great shows.  Yonder Mountain String Band in Chicago, Matisyahu, Trevor Hall, Michael Franti and Spearhead, and The Black Crowes in StL.  All were amazing and much needed breaks from writing!
3.  Arguing with people about sustainability, corporate greed, and conservatism.  I wish I could say that I've been educating people and really challenging their ideas, but really I've learned that I am very much an emotional arguer.  Espeically when multiple people gang up on me.  It's been surprising how much that has happened when I'm talking about "liberal" values.  I'm surprised that being an environmentalist is a liberal value.  I thought everyone loved the place we live.  I'm really trying to learn patience.  I'm also trying to help others learn that just because I state my opinion, I don't expect you to agree with it.  But I will challenge you if you challenge me on my opinion.  Otherwise a most wonderful friend in the NW told me that the best way to educate is to model.  I think she's right and I certainly learned a lot just by observing her.  And it's actually been working!  I still get angry and upset when people are disrespectful but I'm trying not take slighting Mother Earth as a personal offense.  Although even the tiniest of negative actions impacts all of us.

Peace, Activism, and Education

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