My quest for a simpler, more sustainable me from the Midwest to the Northwest.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Double Double Oil and Trouble

I just saw a showing of "A Crude Awakening."  I liked this film very much.  My one criticism of it is that people who are not yet informed about the oil crisis will more than likely be very freaked out by it.  It freaked me out.  I'm not always a fan of freaking people out to try to organize them into action.  Although perhaps this film didn't want to do that.  Anyway, you can't argue too much about the fact that we have to become less dependent on oil.  Ideally I think we should be completely independent of it as an energy source.  The difficult truth for some people is that there isn't a viable alternative energy solution currently that can completely replace oil and still allow us to maintain our standard of living.  I say that's cause for me to live more simply!  But a lot of people won't be into that.  Many people think technology will solve our problems.  We can't just sit around waiting on someone else to come up with a solution!  Futhermore, oil processing was a new technology in the early 1900's and we thought it was going to last forever.  We didn't have the forsight to predict how quickly it would run out.  Humans have to start thinking more consequentialy.  We have to look at long-term effects and see how interconnected we are to this planet  and every single being and thing on it.  Pull a link in the chain and the whole chain moves, pull too hard and the chain smacks you in the face.  How do we get people to care? 

In my last blog I talked about modeling behaviors.  I think my simpler lifestyle raises a lot of questions for others.  Many of them ask.  I'm more than happy to educate them on why I do the things I do.  It doesn't mean that they are going to go out and make drastic changes to their life right away.  But it does plant the seeds.  Someday, when we are in a crisis, and on the brink of a revolution, it may sway them onto the side of simplicity.  It may not be the fastest way to start a revolution, but it's what I've got to work with right now.  I don't want to alienate people.

The positive side of this is that I'm starting to meet some more people around here who feel simlarly to the way I do.  It fills my bucket and gives me hope.
On a lighter note... 

At this very moment I would like two start an environmental revolution and to go see Andrew Bird on Dec. 8. Both of them are beyond my current means and abilities and arguably equally important j/k :( 

Peace, Walking, and Solidarity,

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'm a bad blogger =(

So admittedly I'm not so great at this.  I've always prided myself on being a good writer and this blog is already an argument against that.  Furthemore, posting once every three months is probably  not good blogiquet (that's blog ettiquette).  Additionally, I only have two followers.  I'm pretty sure that's poor.
Moving on from that moment of self-deprication...what have I been doing in the midwest the past few months?  The answer is three things:

1.  working on my thesis.  very boring.  no need to elaborate.
2.  Going to concerts as a way of coping with working on my thesis.  I've seen some great shows.  Yonder Mountain String Band in Chicago, Matisyahu, Trevor Hall, Michael Franti and Spearhead, and The Black Crowes in StL.  All were amazing and much needed breaks from writing!
3.  Arguing with people about sustainability, corporate greed, and conservatism.  I wish I could say that I've been educating people and really challenging their ideas, but really I've learned that I am very much an emotional arguer.  Espeically when multiple people gang up on me.  It's been surprising how much that has happened when I'm talking about "liberal" values.  I'm surprised that being an environmentalist is a liberal value.  I thought everyone loved the place we live.  I'm really trying to learn patience.  I'm also trying to help others learn that just because I state my opinion, I don't expect you to agree with it.  But I will challenge you if you challenge me on my opinion.  Otherwise a most wonderful friend in the NW told me that the best way to educate is to model.  I think she's right and I certainly learned a lot just by observing her.  And it's actually been working!  I still get angry and upset when people are disrespectful but I'm trying not take slighting Mother Earth as a personal offense.  Although even the tiniest of negative actions impacts all of us.

Peace, Activism, and Education